Saturday, December 10, 2016

Rosa Parks Paragraph: 

Write a proper paragraph about how Rosa Park's actions affect us today. How did she influence society and what can be learned from her actions?

Think about the big ideas and themes of the book we read and the questions you researched in your inquiry.

Examples of information that would not be relevant to include: 
- her husband's name
- her age/date of birth/when she died
- where she lived
- her prison number

Examples of ideas you might want to include: 
- was she a good role model? why?
- how her actions affected us
- what you've learned about segregation and racism and Rosa's part in that
- connections to your lives

You will not be given an outline for this paragraph, but you should create your own, using your knowledge of paragraph structure.

Weekend Homework: brainstorm ideas for your Rosa Parks paragraph & create an outline. Due Monday.

Mme Aizenstadt

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